Sessions & Services

Sessions & Services

One-to-one sessions – either in person or online, of 1-2 hours duration. I offer a free 45 minute initial consultation.  The purpose of this consultation is to discuss and name some of the issues you would like to work on and to decide whether you and I are suited to working with each other going forward.

If both parties wish to proceed a schedule of one-to-one sessions is agreed upon.  These can be weekly, fortnightly or monthly as required.

Workplace Development –  half-day or day seminar. 

Residential Sessions – Personal and Professional three day programs.

Mentoring – one-to-one listening, sharing, coaching and guidance. For all ages of men.

Request a Coaching Service


After the initial free consultation, sessions are charged in blocks of four or six. Payment is required in full prior to the first full session. Please contact me for these session prices.

Your commitment to four or six sessions is key in maximising the potential of our time together, whether face-to-face or online.  The trust we will develop takes time, and time is necessary to fill out the steps and changes you are seeking, providing the opportunity for these changes to be the new foundation in your life.

If required, further sessions can be booked.  


On The Path

When stepping onto this path we will be building an alliance. As we navigate the direction and purpose of this path, we will be best served by having some guidelines: 

The four guidelines that will keep us on the path are:

I will stay around when the going gets tough – make the commitment so you can address problems and challenges

I will ask for what I want – others cannot read your mind

I will own my feelings – you are in charge of how you express your feelings

I will speak my truth “not the truth” – what truth have you been withholding?

Coaching – to allow parts of ourselves to develop, grow and catch-up with where we are today.

Update the programming that no longer is fit for purpose.

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