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Alphington Community Centre Newsletter - April 2023
Men's Group - "Manhood is a journey that requires self-discovery, courage, vulnerability, compassion, connection and purpose".

Our lovely neighbourhood friend John Byrne is the founder of Coaching Life Works. He has over 30 years experience in the field of counselling for men and youth. He has a long association with ACC.

In Term 2 he is starting up a new Men's Group, meeting on Monday evenings in the Community Shed here at ACC, from 6:45pm-9pm.

If you are interested in finding out more or coming along you can contact John directly on 0439 899 352 or email

Useful Free information available

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10 Lessons From The Laws of Human Nature – Robert Greene

Each one of us is alone in the world – John O’Donohue

The Seven Steps to Manhood – Steve Biddulph

Warrior Four Thresholds – John Byrne

Warrior Journey – John Byrne

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